Virtual reality device training for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Virtual reality (VR) simulators are emerging as next-generation options in digital health to complement traditional training. VR training is largely independent of resources, location, and person-to-person contact; it integrates both teaching theory and practical application and allows unlimited repetition.
Immersive VR training increases the self-efficacy of in-hospital healthcare providers and patient families regarding tracheostomy-related knowledge and care skills
Virtual reality (VR)-based simulation in hospital settings facilitates the acquisition of skills without compromising patient safety. Despite regular text-based training, a baseline survey of randomly selected healthcare providers revealed deficiencies in their knowledge, confidence, comfort, and care skills regarding tracheostomy.
VR/AR in critical care medicine: the patient’s, clinician’s, and researcher’s perspective
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are aspiring, new technologies with increasing use in critical care medicine. While VR fully immerses the user into a virtual three-dimensional space, AR adds overlaid virtual elements into a real-world environment. VR and AR offer great potential to improve critical care medicine for patients, relatives and health care […]
Virtual reality device training for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
Virtual reality (VR) simulators are emerging as next-generation options in digital health to complement traditional training. VR training is largely independent of resources, location, and person-to-person contact; it integrates both teaching theory and practical application and allows unlimited repetition.
VR/AR in critical care medicine: the patient’s, clinician’s, and researcher’s perspective
Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) are aspiring, new technologies with increasing use in critical care medicine. While VR fully immerses the user into a virtual three-dimensional space, AR adds overlaid virtual elements into a real-world environment. VR and AR offer great potential to improve critical care medicine for patients, relatives and health care […]
Immersive VR training increases the self-efficacy of in-hospital healthcare providers and patient families regarding tracheostomy-related knowledge and care skills
Virtual reality (VR)-based simulation in hospital settings facilitates the acquisition of skills without compromising patient safety. Despite regular text-based training, a baseline survey of randomly selected healthcare providers revealed deficiencies in their knowledge, confidence, comfort, and care skills regarding tracheostomy.
Report: „Project Days with VR Are Awesome!“ First Schools Share Their Experience
June is traditionally a time for final exams and closing grades at schools, with the last few days before summer vacation being a bit more relaxed. Some schools took advantage of this period to explore the use of virtual reality (VR) in education by organizing VR Project Days. In collaboration with teachers, we tailored the […]
Reportáž: Projektové dny s VR jsou super! hlásí první školy
Červen je na školách tradičně ve znamení posledních zkoušek, uzavírání klasifikace a pak pár dní před prázdninami jde už o trochu volnější režim. Toho využily některé školy k seznámení s virtuální realitou ve výuce a objednaly si VR Projektové dny. Ve spolupráci s učiteli jsme naplánovali jejich obsah tak, aby odpovídal konkrétním potřebám a zájmům škol. Hlavním cílem […]
Virtual Reality in Education: Revolution or Overpriced Gimmick?
The virtual reality (VR) market is expanding, and education seems like an easy revenue stream. The target audience often lacks deep knowledge of advanced technologies, and procurement processes tend to focus primarily on cost. For some „entrepreneurs,“ this combination opens doors to a new market without much concern for the tool’s effectiveness, teaching methodology, educational […]
Virtuální realita ve výuce: revoluce nebo předražené kino?
Trh s virtuální realitou roste a školství vypadá jako snadný zdroj příjmů. Cílová skupina totiž o pokročilých technologiích vlastně moc neví a výběrová řízení se soutěží hlavně na cenu. Pro některé „podnikatele“ právě tato kombinace otevírá dveře na nový trh. Nelámou si hlavu s efektivitou nástroje, metodikou výuky, vzdělávacím obsahem, potřebami žáků a učitelů nebo […]